18 июня 2016г. NDS, Mexico, honorable judge Desmond Murphy
INGREM REY CHAIN REACTION AKA CHRISTIAN — # 1 Шарпей в Мексике, Юный Чемпион Мексики
13 июня 2016г. NDS Atlantida honorable judge Natasa Dovidovic
Ingrem Rey Cheers My Darling — jCAC, jBOB and BOS
12 июня 2016г. IDS Nitra, Slovakia
Ingrem Rey Make A Splash For Walnut Pie got Cac and Res.Cacib. With this results Splash is Slovakian Champion!
06 июня 2016г. 3 x IDS CACIB shows Hungary, Budapest
MULTY CH. ViceWW, JunEW INGREM REY MAKE A SPLASH FOR WALNUT PIE was showed on 3x IDS Budapest Hungary Cac and Res Cacib (judge is Katalin Balogh) on Saturday evening on Club Show won Cac (judge is Christine Rossier from Switzerland). On Sunday won Cac, Cacib and BOB (judge is Igor Mioc from Croatia). Thank you Laura! congrats!!!
05 июня 2016г. National Dog Show, Russia, Moscow, honorable judge Adamovskaya Elena